Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Share: Welcome to Stressing Fitness

"The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no [one]. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present." -- Alice Morse Earle

Hi again, new and old friends.

After taking a long-needed break from blogging in 2010 (except for some sporadic updating of the now-retired PTSD Combat), I'm excited to begin a new journey. And I'm hoping you'll once again join me.

The thrust of Stressing Fitness isn't an entire departure from what I've been reporting on over the years -- it's more a broadening of focus, actually. But everyone needs to regenerate and refresh themselves every-so-often, and that was certainly the case here.

February is a time of new beginnings for me.

I began PTSD Combat back in February 2006 (although I'd been researching and blogging elsewhere on the issue consistently starting in September 2005). And today my husband and I celebrate our wedding anniversary, too.

Creating this space this particular month should shower this little blogling with good luck.

In educational interest, article(s) may be quoted from extensively.

For those interested, I've posted a brief reflection on where I've been.

But, there's no need to look backward here.

I'm ready to embrace this new moment and am recommitting to health, happiness, kindness and better managing the stress of daily life. I'd enjoy sharing what I learn along the way, and learning from you, too.

Won't you join me on this new adventure?

Cheers + thanks for stopping in,

P.S. Found the following tidbit in the San Fernando Valley Sun today:

ACE — the American Council on Exercise, the largest nonprofit fitness certification, education and training organization in the country — is spinning a very optimistic outlook for 2011. ...[According to a survey of more than 2,700 fitness experts, at the top of ACE's 2011 trends list]:

STRESS REDUCTION THROUGH FITNESS. Consumers are getting wise to stress and the terrible toll it takes on your body. In 2011, more gyms and clubs will offer classes and strategies to help their clients handle stress in healthy ways.

More of us are realizing how stressful life has become -- and how badly we all need to do what we can to blunt stress' damage.

This is one trend I'm *very* happy to be a part of.

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