Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Train: Brain training for runners-week 10

Stone Bridge TrailRunning on and photographing (on separate outings) Stone Bridge Trail and its environs was the big highlight of my training this week.

Lost a little of my oomph toward the end of the week, and pushed this week's LSD run (slated for Sunday) back by a day. Other slacking includes not getting my two yoga sessions in, along w/my Brain Training for Runners resistance sets. Weekly mileage is building to the highest level I've ever seen, and I'm starting to feel it. Tired a little more -- even took a nap after one my runs this week...very unusual. High humidity isn't giving anyone a boost in stride, either.

Need to get back on the ball as far as stretching and weights workouts go, but I'm also having a ball and that counts for something, too.

Journey: Appreciating great places to run

Water and roots

My latest post in dailymile's Destination: Run series is up.

A lot of fun to work on, dailymission redux: destinations to run to answers last month's dailymission question, "What elements make your city, region of the country or world the best place for working out?"

Image © Ilona Meagher | Green Lake Park. Seattle, WA - January 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Inspire: Running for a cause with gusto

This week's dailymiler of the week is Sam F., whom I had the pleasure of interviewing yesterday via email:

In 2010, Operation Jack founder Sam F. completed 61 full marathons -- yes, that's sixty-one -- raising money and awareness for Train 4 Autism. Rallying his endurance and speedy recovery abilities, this unstoppable athlete also tossed in a couple of ultras for good measure...and he just keeps on going. In an upcoming post, we'll share more about the work of his organization; but, today we wanted to celebrate the heart and spirit that fuels all of that charitable effort.
Read the interview, then jump for video on Sam's story...

Share: Summer's running + reading is fine

To Be a Runner and Running for WomenSummer's here, and more time for hitting the open road on holiday, family vacation or a long weekend of racing.

What to slip in your carryon?

Two new books that I’ve been toting around with me lately (and returning to again and again) are Kara Goucher’s Running for Women: From First Steps to Marathons” (Touchstone, 2011) and Martin Dugard’s To Be a Runner: How Racing Up Mountains, Running with the Bulls, or Just Taking on a 5-K Makes You a Better Person (and the World a Better Place) (Rodale, 2011).

Both ‘chunk’ content in quick-to-read and digest bits, so they’re perfect for tucking away in a summertime travel or gym bag. Have a minute and want to get inspired? Pick up one of these volumes, flip it open to a page and set out to explore another topic or chapter.

They’re ideal for the time-crunched reader and running enthusiast.

See my reviews at dailymile.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nature: Take experiences over things

My latest dailymile blog post, Why exploring a new trail beats a new iPad every time, is the first in a new series over there called Destination: Run. The issue of what we as humans value more, experiences or things, has been a subject of debate for eons probably.

Interested in which of those you'll get more out of when it comes to a little thing called long-term emotional happiness?

Well, modern neuroscience is finding that experiences (such as exploring a new trail, taking your family on vacation or racing in an important-to-you event) offer a lot more for you in that department than the tangible items you buy. In the dailymile piece, I share a few bits of a recent TIME magazine article that explain the science behind this theory. But, the story's been in the news for quite some time. Last summer the New York Times reported:

[T]he practices that consumers have adopted in response to the economic crisis ultimately could — as a raft of new research suggests — make them happier. New studies of consumption and happiness show, for instance, that people are happier when they spend money on experiences instead of material objects, when they relish what they plan to buy long before they buy it, and when they stop trying to outdo the Joneses. ...

Thomas DeLeire, an associate professor of public affairs, population, health and economics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, recently published research examining nine major categories of consumption. He and Ariel Kalil of the University of Chicago discovered that the only category to be positively related to happiness was leisure: vacations, entertainment, sports and equipment like golf clubs and fishing poles.

More at dailymile.

Nourish: Easy chicken sausage bruschetta

Chicken Sausage Bruschetta

This time of year, tomatoes are ripening all around. In my veggie beds right now, there's a lot of basil to pick and share. Here's a quick, satisfying recipe that capitalizes on all of that summertime goodness.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Train: Brain training for runners-week 9

Trail was still easy enough at this point for a photo opTwo months behind me, I'm now kicking off my third month in my Brain Training for Runners program. I'm feeling very committed to it, and not having any problems sticking to each day's workouts -- at least as far as the running is concerned.

This week I missed doing my drills (slipped my mind that day) and one slated resistance workout (slacker!); but, I did plenty of cross-training, including walking, yoga, swimming and some challenging mountain biking w/my husband at Brunet Island State Park in Wisconsin.

Inspire: What do your shoes say about you?

A little Monday morning motivation...

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